To create a project for Camp NaNoWriMo, you can click on the button on the Dashboard that says “Join Camp”.
You can also create a regular project and click the button to associate the project with an event, and then choose Camp.
This will bring up a window where you can name and define your project. Make sure to click “On to your Goal” to continue!
Make sure to associate your project with Camp NaNoWriMo for the month and year you are working on your project. Doing this will ensure that your work counts towards a win!
Now that you’ve clicked “On to Your Goal”, you can name the goal, decide what type of goal it is, set your word count and also your start and end dates. You can see a pop-up calendar by clicking on the calendar icon. When you have set all of this, click “On To Details”
Now your project will appear on your page! If you would like to edit the details, click on the title of your project.
Here, you will see options to view the details, goals and the cover. To edit the cover, click on “Edit cover”.
Once you choose or drag and drop your image, you will get confirmation. Click “Save Cover”