We recognize that you care about your region, that you want to be helpful and informative, and that you want to tell people what you know. You wouldn't have been an ML if you didn't posses those qualities.
However, If you are a former ML who has not been reinstated, you are no longer responsible for your region (even if you still feel responsible) and we do not want you speaking on the organization's behalf. Additionally, there is no need for you to craft your own responses about ML program status considering that HQ has sent numerous official communications, including:
- March Organization Update
- April Newsletter Update
- May/June Newsletter Update
- Changes at NaNoWriMo (May)
We recognize that some members of your region who knew you as an ML may view you as the de facto leader and may be looking to you for guidance. If you feel a need to respond, please be proactively transparent about the fact that you are not currently installed as an ML and, again, please post links to the aforementioned official HQ communications.
Edited to add: Reinstated MLs may communicate in accordance to guidelines they received during training.